Monday, December 5, 2011

Craft sale update and plans for the day

Monday morning. What is today going to hold? I am going to run an errand for Jeff, seems he bought some Christmas decorations from a lady in Mercer so I am going to pick them up. How strange. He buys a lot of stuff online but Christmas decorations would not have been something that I would have expected. While I am out I will run into town and pick up some groceries. Need to make a big batch of soup for Prime Timers for tomorrow. Will also bake up a big batch of cookies to take for the cookie exchange.

The craft sale at the church on Saturday was a big success. Most of the people I talked to did well selling their crafts and the UMW group did very well at their table and the kitche sold out of just about everything. I heard many of the shoppers coming in saying they had a hard time finding a parking place. I was a very good day indeed. I have Chrismas presents to make replace since I sold some at the craft sale, but that was my intention.

I heard from Kate last night. She is getting moved into her place rather nicely. She got all her electronics hooked up all by herself. That is a great accomplishment that I wouldn't try to tackle on my own. It seems that there are more wires and connections to make than there are pieces of equipment. Good job Kate.

Yesterday, Jeff went and got our rugs out of storage so that we could get them back down (since Abby isn't with us anymore, the rugs are safe again) before I put up the Christmas decorations. I wanted to get them started yesterday but it didn't happen with all the furniture moving that was done to get the rugs down. It will get done this week.

This week I also want to start quilting on ceiling panels for my studio. Since we had to remove the dry wall ceiling due to an electrical problem I have had bed sheets tacked up to cover the dark light absorbing ceiling beams. I have had this in mind for years now and I am finally going to get started. It will give me lots of practice and be a great way to show customers quilting motifs and ideas to use on their quilts when they drop them off.

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