Thursday, November 17, 2011

Projects Finished Up

I finished up several big things over the last several days so now I can play with some other fun projects but that will still have to wait a bit. Today I have to take Dan to the airport to fly out to California for a buddy's wedding this weekend. When I get home I have to spend 1 -2 days cleaning up the house before I get back to quilting. I finished up my last customer quilt last night about 7 PM. My legs were really aching by the time I got done. I also finished up the rag rug. It didn't get too much bigger.
My list of projects to work on next.
1. 2 more backpack/tote bags
2. 6 casserole carriers
3. fabric Christmas star ornaments
4. my Tabacco Bay wallhanging.
5. a journal cover
6. set of faux leather baskets
7. 2 chennille style scarves
8. Oriental wallhanging
This is all I can think of at the moment but that is enough to keep me busy for a while. I will post photos of these projects as I get done with them. Now I am off to the airport. Have a safe fun day.

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