Monday, June 25, 2012

Back to reality

Getting 10 ton of top soil delivered will bring one back to the reality of real life pretty fast. I mentioned in another blog post that I have wanted to encircle 4 trees in our side yard into one flower bed and with the inspiration of tropical Hawaii I could see in my mind's eye how I wanted this flower bed to look. This is the area that I am going to tackle.

Saturday I met some friends at a local Amish benefit auction and I bought some plants that will be a good start to this flower bed. So the next step is to get some top soil. Our original plan was to go pick it up ourselves but after thinking about it and how much we would need I decided it would be easier and more time efficient to have it delivered. So DS's girlfriend's father is going to deliver 10 ton today. I might even need more than that but this will get me started.

So I mentioned going to the auction on Saturday. Tina and I try to go every year. We even take things to sell. I didn't this year but Tina took lots of quilted items she made and did rather well. We usually are interested in the plants/shrubs and the quilts. They have 4 or 5 different auctioneers going at the same time so there isn't any way to see everything being sold. We started out watching the household furniture getting sold, then moved over to the plants when they started being sold. This is what I got. I will have to add more plants once I get the lay out of the flower bed figured out but that is easy as there is a plant/produce auction held about 5 miles up the road 2 times a week in the summer. How much easier can it get?

We then moved out of the sun into the big building for the quilts. The quilts ranged from really expensive to barely able to get a bid for them. We get amazed at what people will buy. Some of the quilts don't even bring what they are worth in the materials used to make them and then other things that you can go to Wal Mart and buy for $20 will bring $75-$125. Tina's aunt also brought some things to sell and she had a small wallhanging of a geisha girl she did in a quilt class that we all took together. I got it for $5.00. No one would bid on it. You have to be very careful about what you take to sell there. Very traditional designs in very traditional colors are the preferred. Artistic ability and expression are not so much appreciated.

I am going to be getting back to work full swing now that we are home and the vacation is behind us. The jet lag is pretty much over. So I need to get my to do list together and start wacking away at it. I have some big goals to meet and lots of activities to get underway. More on that in a post to come. Be on the look out for updates and pictures of my flower bed in progress.

Have a wonderful day and pray for me please that I will get everything done. LOL. I will take it one step at a time and whittle away at it.

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